Nano-Engineering and integration of metal-Oxide-based nanostructures and their interfaces

Heads: David PECH
and Carole ROSSI
PhD student representative: Aurélien BENOIT

 Ethics rules

Job Opportunity


Selected publications






The scientific and technological developments of the past two decades have seen the emergence of micro and nano-technologies. New capacities to organize the matter with atomic scale precision have made it possible to create new nanostructured materials (nanosheets, nanowires, nanoparticle-based nanostructures) with improved performances. NEO focusses on metal/oxide reactive materials for energy-related systems (heat generation, mechanical actuator, micro-energy storage, H2 production).

NEO conducts researches in three main topics:

  • Design and Integration of Nanothermites and pyroMEMS.

  • Design and integration of novel materials and nanostructures for micro-supercapacitors and micro-batteries.

  • Nanoengineering of novel materials and catalysts for H2 production.

NEO is hosting :

ERC Advanced Grant "PyroSafe"  (2019-2024)  on the Integration of new nano-engineered safe energetic layers with sensors and electronics to manufacture safety-critical microsystems

ERC Consolidator Grant "3D-CAP"  (2018-2023)  on the 3D micro-supercapacitors for embedded electronics






Our faculty, students, and staff are passionate about energy related nanomaterials and work together to continuously increase basic knowledge and foster innovation. Do you want to be a part of this adventure? Come join our team!