
Welcome to HIS3!

HIS3 (that shall be pronounced "Ice Cube") is a multidisciplinary project funded by the French ANR agency (AAPG 2022 - ANR-22-CE10-0012-05).

Modern production environments are complex and stressful for production supervisors. To facilitate their task, the use of Human-System Interactions, integrating decision support tools, is recommended. The performance of these interactions needs to be achieved holistically, ensuring the acceptability of new technologies to humans and taking into account the possibility of human error.

The HIS3 project aims to design supervision tools centered on the real needs of production supervisors. The ambition is to propose tools capable of reducing the mental load and stress of supervisors who manage production processes in the presence of hazards.

The HIS3 project will focus on modeling and prototyping decision support tools at different levels of fidelity, then testing their usefulness/usability and acceptability, using a rigorous experimental methodology established in a transdisciplinary way.

See : Mélody Mailliez, Hugo Chevroton, Cyrille Briand, Philippe Truillet, Céline Lemercier. Stepping Stone to Smarter Supervision Systems: A Human-centered Multidisciplinary Framework. 2022. ⟨hal-03613453⟩