Séminaire MOCOSY : Time-delay analysis and H-infinity design

José Geromel Professor of Control Systems Analysis and Design
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Campinas

José C. Geromel was born in Itatiba, SP, Brazil in 1952. He received the Bs. and Ms. degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of Campinas -UNICAMP, Brazil, in 1975 and 1976 respectively and the Docteur d'État degree from University Paul Sabatier - LAAS  / CNRS,  France, in 1979. He  joined  the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UNICAMP in 1975,  where he is presently professor of Control  Systems Analysis and  Design.  In 1987 he held a visiting professor position at  Milan Polytechnic Institute, Milan, Italy.  Prof. Geromel is Associate Editor of International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control and European Journal of Control. He was awarded in 1994 the Zeferino Vaz Award for his teaching and research activities at UNICAMP and, in 2007 the Scopus Award jointly awarded by Elsevier and CAPES / Brazil. Since 1991  he has been a Fellow  1-A and in 1997  he  has  been  elected member  of  the  Electrical  Engineering Committee of the CNPq - Brazilian Council for Research Development. From 1998 to 2002 he has served as  the Dean for Graduate Studies at UNICAMP. Since 1998 he has been a member  of  the  Brazilian Academy of Science. In 1999  he  has  been named for Chevalier dans l' Ordre des Palmes Academiques by the French Minister of National Education. In 2003 he has been elected member of the IFAC Council for the term 2003-2005. He supervised several Ms. and  Ph.D. students. He  published  more  than 180 technical papers, 80 of them in international journals. He is co-author of  the books Control Theory and Design   -  with P. Colaneri and A. Locatelli, Academic Press Inc., 1997 and Análise Linear de Sistemas Dinâmicos, in Portuguese, - with A.G.B.Palhares, Edgard Blücher, Ltda, 2004.

His current research interests include convex programming theory, robust filtering and control design, switched systems.

Date : 21 septembre 2009
Heure : 11h00

Lieu :
Salle Europe
LAAS, 7 Av. du Colonel Roche

Résumé :

This seminar is entirely concerned to linear continuous time-delay systems. Recent results including stability analysis and filter and con-
trol design in the framework of H-infinity Theory, based on the so called Rekasius substitution formula, are introduced and discussed. They
stem from a finite order LTI comparison system which whenever associated to a time-delay system provides enough information for stability
detection and H-infinity norm determination. In a first step, the celebrated Nyquist criterion is adopted for stability studies. Afterwards, state
feedback control and filter design are used to show the potentialitiesof the proposed methodology. The results are generalized to cope
with a class of neutral systems. Several examples are solved for illus tration and comparison purposes. They show that proposed method
outperforms the ones available in the literature to date.